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Are you grieving the loss of a pet?

Losing a beloved pet can be one of the most difficult and heartbreaking experiences anyone can go through. It's never easy to say goodbye, but it becomes even more challenging when you have to let go of a cherished companion who has been by your side for years. The grief of bereavement is something that we all must face at some point in life, but that doesn't make it any less real or painful.


When dealing with the death of a pet, empathy and understanding from others are essential factors for healing. It is important to remember that every person grieves differently, and there is no right way to do so; some people may need time alone, while others might seek comfort in sharing their feelings with friends or family members. Whatever helps you cope best should be taken into consideration during this difficult period.

Dawn is not only the Founding President and primary caretaker at Woody's Place Senior German Shepherd Sanctuary, she is also a pet grief specialist and RACE-certified canine nutrition coach.


Using her first-hand knowledge of pet loss and grief through running the sanctuary and her educational background in Human Services and Family Studies, Dawn helps people deal with the loss of their pets through her #Lifewitholddogs® podcast and blog, as well as her virtual group and individual pet grief sessions.

Imagine being surrounded by people who truly empathize with your pain and can offer comfort during this difficult time. By participating in our group pet grief counseling session, you will experience the healing power of shared stories, understanding nods, and compassionate hearts.


Our sessions are designed to create a supportive community where everyone can openly express their feelings without judgment or criticism. Through guided discussions, exercises, and activities, we will help you honor your pet's memory while also finding ways to heal your own heart.


Don't let pet grief leave you feeling isolated and helpless. Get the compassionate and personalized pet grief counseling you need to cope with your loss today! 


Contact me today and begin healing tomorrow.

Our next healing group session will be Wednesday, September 20, 2023, at 3 PM ET.

  • Individual Session

    One on One Pet Grief Session
    • 45 Minute Virtual/Call Individual Session
  • 1 Group Session

    One 1 hour session/Group setting/
    Valid for 7 days
    • one hour pet grief group counseling session
  • 2 Group Sessions

    Two One Hour Sessions/Group Setting
    Valid for 2 weeks
    • One Hour Weekly Virtual Pet Grief Support Group
  • 3 Group Sessions

    Three One Hour Sessions/Group Setting
    Valid for 3 weeks
    • One Hour Weekly Virtual Pet Grief Support Group


Saying goodbye is never easy

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