As our furry friends age, it's not uncommon to notice the appearance of various lumps and bumps on their bodies. While some of these growths may be benign, others can indicate more serious health concerns.
One common benign growth in older dogs is a lipoma. A Lipomas, also known as fatty tumors, are relatively common in dogs. These benign growths can occur anywhere on a dog's body and generally feel soft and movable. While lipomas are usually harmless, they can sometimes grow to a significant size and hinder movement or become uncomfortable for the dog. Although most lipomas do not need treatment, surgical removal might be necessary if the tumor affects your dog's quality of life.

Another type of growth often seen in old dogs is warts. Warts on dogs, medically known as canine papillomas, may be a cause for concern among pet owners. These small growths often resemble raised bumps or flaps of skin and can occur anywhere on a dog's body, although they are most commonly found on the face, mouth, and feet. While warts may not be aesthetically pleasing to look at, they are generally harmless and tend to resolve on their own within a few months. It is worth noting that while warts in dogs are caused by a virus similar to human warts, they cannot be transferred between different species.
Although most warts are benign and will eventually disappear without any intervention, it is crucial to keep an eye out for any changes in size or appearance. If you notice any abnormal growth or your dog seems to show signs of discomfort, it is recommended to consult with your veterinarian. In rare cases when the warts become ulcerated or start bleeding excessively, surgical removal may be necessary.

Mast cell tumors, also called MCTs, are a common type of skin cancer in dogs. They come from mast cells, which are a type of white blood cell involved in the immune system. While any dog can get MCTs, certain breeds like Boxers, Bulldogs, and Boston Terriers are more likely to get them. MCTs can look and act differently, with some growing slowly and being harmless, while others are aggressive and cancerous. If not treated, MCTs can spread to other parts of the body. This is why it's important for dog owners to regularly check their pets for any strange lumps or bumps on their skin. Recent research has found that both genetics and the environment may contribute to the development of MCTs in dogs.
These are just a few of the common lumps and bumps you may find on your old dog, and while most lumps and bumps in old dogs tend to be non-cancerous, there is always a concern for potentially cancerous growths. Malignant tumors can vary in presentation, so it's crucial to seek professional advice whenever you notice any unusual or rapidly growing masses on your dog's body. Early detection plays a significant role in successfully treating cancerous growths, making regular check-ups with your veterinarian essential as your dog ages.
Understanding these common lumps and bumps can help dog parents make informed decisions regarding their older dog's well-being. Remember to always consult with your veterinarian whenever you have concerns about any new growths or changes in existing ones – they are the best resource for diagnosing and managing.